Pesky Penguin Studios

Games created by Osh, oh and carter

Original Osh Games

Guess The Number

Shoot The Target

Perry's Winter Quest

About Us

PeskyPenguinStudios is a group created by Osh (oh and carter) to make games for others. As of now, three games have been created, a puzzle game,an arcade shooter game, and a platformer.

hello i am the boss baby, thats right the boss baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby who i am, yes, the real boss baby from the boss baby starring in the boss baby as the boss baby because i am the boss baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby. if you have doubts about if i am really the real boss baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby who also stars in the boss baby as the boss baby, ask yourself, would the real boss baby have enough time in his busy schedule to explain that he was really the real boss baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby as the boss baby. That's right, of course the boss baby could. He's the boss baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby as the boss baby because the boss baby is a boss baby kind of like that baby from the boss baby starring the boss baby as the boss baby because he is a boss, baby.